Ignoring the three floors of fully stocked chemical laboratories ( whistle), I spend a lot of time prowling around the facility where I work. Two particularly useful finds were the refreshments stockroom and the equipment "graveyard". The refreshment stockroom is where they keep all the soft drinks, bottled water, and snacks for the executive meeting rooms. It's filled with two pallets of bottled water, and a pallet each of Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, and Sprite along with several tubs of hard candies.

The equipment graveyard is where people can dump equipment they no longer want. It's a scavenger's dream, but I have to fight three other people over the contents. Wednesday I scored a complete, high-quality microscope with all sorts of accesories. The thing has to be thirty years old or more. It's in perfect shape, the owner just dumped it because she can't easily hook it to her computer!

Oh, the other useful find was the location of the fuel tanks for the emergency generator, but that's pretty much off limits. Completely open and unprotected, but off limits.

And if things really get bad, there's a herd of cattle across the street from me. I love Texas!


Edited by Blast (11/24/07 08:21 PM)
Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
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