Originally Posted By: raydarkhorse
Originally Posted By: NightHiker
Originally Posted By: Ors
Do you think there can be a balance between caring and compassion, and the ability to use deadly force when necessary?

Absolutely. I'm a very compassionate individual but I have had to use deadly force - ask any military medic whose been in combat, most of us would much rather save lives but there are times when shooting another human being is the only way to save the lives of others.

Same way for police they go between risking their life in hopes of saving alife and somrtime that means takeing a life. I hope to never again have to make the desicion to hurt or take another's life, but don't mistake my mild manner and kindness as weakness.

100'% agree. When I became an MP, I had to decide if I would use deadly force. The training I received helped, but I came up with the notion that if I had to use deadly force to protect an innocent or helpless person, I would, and logically, if necessary to stop someone who had already demonstrated than they would hurt that innocent person. I can understand people who would rather sacrifice their own lives rather than take another life-- their choice -- but cannot understand someone who, having the ability to prevent it, lets someone take another person's life by failing to act. IMHO, there is such a thing as morality and a moral duty to act. My version of the commandment is "thou shall not murder" not "thou shall not kill." There's a difference.
"Better is the enemy of good enough."