I had someone say that to me once. It was one of those inebriated philosophical discussions in college. He went on and on about how he felt so incredible knowing that he was holding the power of life and death in his hand. I pointed out that in my martial arts training, I was learning lethal techniques, and "isn't that even more incredible? Having the power of life and death...in my own hands...with my own hands..."

But I also realized quickly what kind of responsibility comes with that kind of knowledge and power.

I'll admit something. I don't want to hurt anyone. I would hope that if I, or my family was in mortal danger, that I would respond appropriately...even if it meant taking someone's life. But the truth is, a person just doesn't know until a situation like that presents itself. I hope those of us who haven't had to deal with something like that never do.

Do you think there can be a balance between caring and compassion, and the ability to use deadly force when necessary?
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)