Like you, I want to use the least amount of force needed. Particularly becuase I'm cheap and lazy, and partially becuase I still have have the odd nightmare about the one serious fight I was ever in. As you said, it is the absolute last resort- well, not quite. Having someone reading your will is. I don't EDC a sidearm, but the thing that would change that is not relocation to less savory area but having someone who was depending on me, like a spouse or kids. But my reasoning isn't for everyone- don't take it at a nudge in either direction, except to learn more so you can make an informed decision for yourself.

Even if you don't buy, I think you should learn how to shoot and how to shoot enough different models and types of firearms that you can figure things like safeties and mag releases out if you have to pick up a strange one. Keep in mind that for people who only know how to shoot, I'd tell them to learn basic armed and unarmed hand to hand techniques. I think everyone should not only know how use a firearm, but also the bare hands, sticks, staves, knives and the random piece of small furniture, just like I think everyone at some point should learn to drive stick and ride both a motorcycle and a horse. All of these are parts of the martial arts- I say take your instructor up on the offer if it is still open.

And don't be surprised if you enjoy yourself.


When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.