These are just some random thoughts - hopefully something useful can be gleaned from this.

I'd like to second what kghirardi said: everyone could use some exposure to firearms. Not only does it demystify the subject, and make firearms much, much less intimidating, but people should know how to safely handle an arm. Should you, or your children find one unattended you should be able to render it safe. Likewise, children should be taught what to do in the event the find an anattended arm. This is general knowledge that everyone (in my opinion) should possess, like how to start a fire. The below is not for everyone...

A firearm may never be needed. In fact, for most of us it never will, at least not in defense of life and limb. However, when it is needed nothing else is an adequate substitute.

A firearm takes a serious commitment. You must take care to learn the safe operation of an arm and ensure safe storage. If you choose to use it in a defensive role the operation of it should be second nature - anything less might be adequate, but it very well may not.

Everyday carry of a firearm is an even more serious commitment. Extreme care must be taken in learning the law. Obtaining a permit is a difficult process - especially in states like the ones you and I live in. There are places you can carry - and places you cannot and it is imperative to know the difference. You absolutely cannot drink (not even one) when carrying. Your friends and family may criticize you as paranoid. Toting a shooting iron is hard work - even the lightest among them become cumbersome late in the afternoon. You will come to dress around your gun - no one should ever, ever see it unless you choose for them to.

A firearm must never be presented in a confrontation unless you are fully prepared to use it. To do so otherwise will not only endanger you, but others, as well, as you may arm your antagonist. You must also give some thought to potential legal aftermath of a shooting, even if fully justified. that that's out of the way...

It sounds daunting, and in a way it is. There's a lot to learn and consider, and not consider lightly. However, carrying a firearm will bring you peace of mind. A firearm should not be your sole source of confidence; rather, confidence should come from within. However, it will provide confidence that you can efficiently handle a much broader set of scenarios, and defend yourself and your family.