My copy of the US Army Survival Manual (FM 21-76) says not to drink urine as a substitute for water. It has 2 percent salt, and it requires more cellular water to eliminate the salt than there is water contained in the urine.* The manual also says urine contains harmful body wastes.

Additionally, listening to a lot of my acquaintances talk about their urinary tract infections has taught me that "urine is sterile" is probably outdated in these days. I'm uninterested in being around it, as I do consider it a source of disease.

shrug - my theory is, anything anybody wants to do is okay with me as long as I don't suffer as a result. If people think it's okay to drink urine, I won't argue. If they're right and if I don't drink urine, I'll die and they'll live to tell the tale. If I'm right, they'll die and I may live to tell the tale.

*The manual says seawater is 4% salt, and our body requires 2 quarts of the body's fluids to rid itself of the salt in 1 quart of sea water. It says not to use these items as substitutes for water: alcohol, urine, blood, and seawater.