I would suggest that you contact the NRA and ask them about what gun safety courses are available in your area. The NRA has courses that will start you off from the very basics and you can work up to becoming as proficient as you choose.

I agree that a general working knowledge of firearms can be very helpful regardless of what decisions you make regarding gun ownership and carrying a weapon if you are able to obtain the proper permit for your area.

Once you have taken the basic introductory course, if you then decide to look into purchasing a firearm I would suggest you start by asking your NRA instructor for some assistance in selecting the type of weapon that will best fit your needs (home defense, carry weapon, long gun vs. handgun, etc). I would also recommend looking for a local shooting range that rents guns so that you can try out several types of weapons and get some experience shooting them.

In addition, if you haven't already, I would also start educating yourself about gun laws including federal, state and especially local. In many states gun laws vary from county to county and even city to city. Then finally I would research the laws of your state regarding the use of lethal force and self-defense using weapons.

Good luck with your self-education.
"It's a legal system, not a justice system!"