Just like you say, I'd probably see if the offer from your MA instructor is still availible. Alternatively, you can take a hunter safety course, although that will tend to be geared more towards long guns, but the principles of safety are the same.

If you just want to go shooting, you can find a shooting range nearby that rents weapons to shoot. There you can try different weapons and get information from the people at the range.

As a complete alternative to lethal force in the form of a firearm, you could go to Taser's website and purchase a taser, like the police use. They end up costing the same as a pistol, but the "ammo" costs $50 a shot (one cartridge). Tasers can be used at a distance, up to 15', or in close range as a stungun.
A gentleman should always be able to break his fast in the manner of a gentleman where so ever he may find himself.--Good Omens