I think the average tea candle lasts about 4-5 hours and a few can light up an average sized room. Lets say you use 10 a night (thats probably more than needed) and you've got 20 nights worth of light on tea lights alone. AA alkaline batteries used in efficient LED lights can easily last at least a week with moderate daily use, probably a lot more. I think the Gerber Infinity Ultra will give you something like 40 hours of useable light on 1 AA. And there's also glow sticks, which I like to have on hand as an alternative. The Cyalume insdustrial lightsticks will give you at least 5-6 hours of useable light. Don't forget that when your eyes become adapted you only need very dim light to see your way around. When camping I usually wind up using the dimmest light I've got, even an Infinity ultra is too bright. FWIW I really like the Skylight solar light because it's perfect for dark adapted eyes. And of course you could always go for one of the combo crank/solar Freeplay Lights and/or radios. From your setup though it sounds like you're pretty much set.
Edited by LED (11/13/07 02:02 AM)