Hi Sherpadog,

If you are going to purchase some additional rechargeable AA batteries, then you may want to get the Sanyo Eneloop type. They really do make a difference when compared to ordinary rechargeable NiMh cells since their self discharge rates are much lower. Typically an ordinary NiMh cell will hold its charge for only a few months. The Eneloop cells will hold their charge for a few years.

Question for the forum, how many batteries and candles is "enough" ?

AA cells have limited power but are useful for powering flashlights and portable devices such as SW radios etc. If the emergency is home based then portability and the use of AA cells is of secondary importance. Lighting and limited heating using candles could potentially be very dangerous if the candle is not used within a candle lantern. Then of course there is the combustion products from the candle itself. Ventilation now becomes an important consideration especially if dozens of candles are used at the same time. A variable camping gas light may be a worthwhile purchase instead of using candles. They are also useful in providing some limited heating. Again the same ventilation issue arises. If lighting and heating a room for a 4-6 hours during the evening for 3 days is required then a couple of gas lamps with half a dozen 500 gram canisters would be sufficient. The number of AA cells will depend on what number of devices require AA cells and what other methods you are using for powering your lighting. Communications and entertainment systems can be powered from a standard 12V car battery. You can get one of these in the form of a UPS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply .
You could use one to power your wireless cable router and use a portable wireless device to maintain modern communications such as email and web browsing as modern smart phones and wireless PDA devices are becoming increasingly more common in the home.

You could possibly also power a couple of table lamps from the UPS as well if using low energy bulbs such as a replacement Cree LED bulbs for example. http://www.easy-led.com/big_01.php?mod=LB1201SW01P&name=Power&name2=&id=137

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (11/13/07 02:03 AM)