"Just encouraging everyone to spend their energy on things that really matter."

ummmmm...... things that matter to other people or to you?

I've been a member of this site for several years now and, as shocking as it might be to some people, YES, we do have some survivalist types here, some fairly permanent and some who are just passing through. And thus far, the ETS site hasn't degenerated into a hardcore hide-in-the-woods-with-lots-of-ammo site. We've got a lot of people here who really seem to have their heads screwed on just fine, and nobody is going to change that.

And I'm going to add another thought here: I've never actually seen a clear line dividing survivalism and urban/wilderness survival. Most of us just pick and choose how far we want to go in either direction. And if we want to talk about zombie attacks and pirates, we will.

So, if you don't like the thread, just move on to another one. Simple.
