the choice to go or stay is so personal i could never
suggest one way or the other what to do..the point of the
book is how people behave.. WW I was still recent
history for many people, they did not want to get caught up
in another war..the dislocation and break down of socal order
was just about as bad as what would have taken place if they
stayed home...students kill a teacher who was trying to get
them to safety--fighters strafe the roads--a guy from
Paris who saved his collection of china got run down while
standing on a street corner when he went back for more--
Churchill saw those problems and worked on plans to keep
the British from "bugging out"..i recall Blast did a post
of what it was really like on the roads during someting as
"simple" as a hurricane evacuation..on TV all i saw here
in Minnesota was a freeway jam and none of the real world
nutzy stuff Blast told us about..when i went camping last
spring i looked around at the nice remote car camping site
at the end of the road in northern Minnesota and thought how
it would make a good bug out only took a second
to see that it would be full of local people who got there
first that that idea would not fly--in fact i thought i
would not even get out of my part of town let alone zoom
north on a freeway to hide out someplace..but--anyway--my
real world survival concerns revolve around what i might
do to get thru a wilderness canoe trip mishap..i posted
the book as food for thought--

Edited by CANOEDOGS (11/08/07 02:42 PM)