Winterized the BOBs, vehicle kits and kids packs and added another set of MREs (with heaters) for everyone.

Noticed a pile of junk on the side of the road and grabbed a gas can, garden hose and couple of old propane tanks, which I exchanged for new ones.

Picked up a heavy wool blanket, a box of candles and an old washboard at a garage sale for $10.

Added more non-perishables, water, batteries and non Rx meds to the stores.

Cheered when my husband finally got the pick-up running again.

Conducted a family family drill. Changed the batteries in all the detectors and emergency lights, then tested them. Checked all FAKs.

Found out which local drug store supplies free KI pills and ordered the family ration, which I'll pick up this week.
Mom & Adventurer

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