For $6.99 you can get an 'ArcMania SMJLED' replacement bulb for a (2) C/D cell or Mini-mag light. They're not extremely bright but they have a nice white tint and burn for long long time. Definitely a lot brigher than the Nite Ize though. I've got a couple of the PR based bulbs in cheapo 2D garrity flashlights and they're much brighter than the standard incan bulb. Not to mention it'll run for days.

(Oops, just noticed you said 4D. Nevermind)

As far as the Petzl goes, you can get screw based replacement bulbs. But to be useful its gotta be a cluster of 5mm leds (not sure they make it anymore), and not a 1W or 3W side emitter. The reason is that the Petzl reflector isn't optimized to capture the light so you just get a dim flood. I know, I found that out $20 bucks later.

Edited by LED (11/07/07 01:06 AM)