I started teach my daughter stuff when she was 3, she's 4 now.

1. what to do in a fire.
Our local firehouse has a program where you can bring your kid there and a fireman shows how he gets into his gear. This is to show the kids that the big, scary looking thing charging through the burning house is actually coming to rescue you and you shouldn't hide.

2. Dog attack.
When we are out on our nightly walks I'll occasionally say, "Bad dog!". When DD1 hears this she immedaetely drops to the ground, curls up into a ball and protects her neck with her hands. Of course, sometimes She'll yell "Bad dog" and I'm the one who has to drop and curl. My neighbors love this. blush

3. Car safety.
This covers things like why we buckle up, proper ways to sit in the car seat, etc.

4. Street safety.
This includes how to cross the street but also things like never stopping in the street to pick something up, don't stand behind parked cars (never know when someone will backup), don't stand in driveways (someone may suddenly pull in).

5. Critter safety
Be careful around other people's pets and wild animals. What insects/spiders can hurt you and which you can play with.

6. Eddie the Eagle NRA gun safety for children.

7. Hug a tree
What to do if lost in the woods. Find a tree, stay with it, blow your whistle three times then wait for voices. Repeat until found. She likes practicing this one because she likes blowing her whistle.

8. Common edible plants.

9. Stranger safety.
Be polite but keep your distance coupled with "Say "No", get away, tell an adult".

10. If she sees a mushroom cloud get inside and turn off the AC units. This grew out of watching "Jericho" together.

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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