Soda can stoves are a generally no-go in winter, just like any alcohol stove is. Too cold, and you don't get vaporization, and that is key with any liquid fuel.

I'm working on ways around it, but they all involve carrying the stove and the fuel in your clothing with you. Working with Trangias, I've rigged up something that lets them burn while sitting on a block ice, but you have to pre-heat the riser, keep the fuel relatively warm, and it is only in the most experimental stages until winter gets here.

If people want to experiment, a small can of Hormel ham or turkey (might work with other brands, these are what I have around) fit the underside of a military Trangia perfectly. If you burn a little bit of solid fuel (tinder) in the bottom of it for a minute, then snuff it with the Trangia before fueling, it works so far. But as I said, I haven't given it a serious test, and when I've chilled the fuel (bottle sitting on ice) it fizzles badly.

Instead, if you want to keep it as small and light as possible, a small pot candle like the Nuwicks. But it is kinda hard to boil water over candles in my experince, and you need HOT water to properly restore most dehydrated food. You can use warm water, but I've found it leave the most uncomfortable "swallowed a bowling ball" feeling as your guts try to cramp around it.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.