The past few years my Halloween displays produced a number of complaints of being too scary.
Last year only 40% of the kids that walked past our house actually came up and got candy (I kept count). On the other hand, people started showing up with videocameras to record me and our house. Ah, fame...sweeter than any Halloween candy.
Due to the complaints of some parents though I have been ordered by DW to tone things down a bit this year. No more replacing all the interior lights with green bulbs. No more stakes with impaled skulls. No more (fake) children sealed up in large plastic bags. Only one zombie. The bone pile is limited to just the bones of one cow (I had four cow skeletons). No scary monster mask or gruesome makeup. No fog machine (one parent complained about her asmatic kid), no strobe lights (another complained it made them dizzy). No recording of tortured screams...

At least I get to answer the door in my blood-splattered Los Almos coveralls and gasmask.