I dunno, it just seems to me folks are trying to find a way to bring their hustle and bustle work life mentality to the hills. Why would anyone want to hike 50-60 miles a day?
Well, for the record
no one that I've ever heard of does 50 - 60 miles in a
day. A week, yes, but not in a day. 20 miles is very high mileage in day with an overnight pack. Typically, on a backpack, my goal is 8 - 12 miles for a day. 12 miles can be pretty exhausting depending on the terrain.
Most of the places I would go to "get away" mean driving up into the hills somewhere, getting out of the truck, and hiking in just about any direction I choose for maybe a mile or so and I am in it.
Cool; glad that works for you. Speaking just for myself, I'll hike more mileage for the following reasons.
-Get away from the crowds and graffitti/garbage
-To get a better sense of the overall area
-To see a variety of terrain, including high altitude, remote terrain inacessible to the general public except by foot.
-To enjoy more frequent wildlife encounters.
Here's some photos from my 4 day backpack in Colorado. Perhaps they will speak for themselves.
Jim's Rocky Mountain National Park Backpack In this day and age, if you can't get in it without having to cover 50 miles on foot, then methinks you might be trying too hard.
Been to Alaska lately?

Seriously, one of the great things about the good ol' US of A is that we do have large tracts of wilderness, spots with beautiful things like imposing rock domes, spectacular natural arches, labrynthine caves, and fabulous waterfalls. Sometimes it's neat to visit a fantastic, pristine spot and have it all to yourself.