A waterproof neck pouch with break-away lanyard!I posted my initial experience with this, but you guys were underwhelmed. But I've carried it more now, and I'm sold on it as a better choice (for me, at least) than the Altoids tin. Bathing suit, waders, wetsuit, pockets full of other junk, etc.... It just works for me. My muse spoke to me when I recently stepped off into a deep hole while trout fishing in waders (no pockets for the PSK,.. though I did have a vest on.. which I ditched). I always keep my neck with me..so I think I'll always have my EDC PSK attached.<br> It holds everything from a Doug-type mini-PSK, plus a mylar emergency sleeping bag. The (emptied) pouch holds water - - (so I really have a baggie within this pouch to hold the stuff!).<br><br>http://store.yahoo.com/cell-accessories/unwatpouc.html<br><br>So far, it is pretty sturdy, too. Since I'm wearing it under my shirt, it doesn't take too much punishment. Unfortunately, this one has pretty flowers and palm trees embossed on it.<br><br>