I have no experience with that and never heard of it, but you now own it so you might as well put it in the BOB. I have a Frost "Grizzly Skinner" that stays in my BOB. It was a gift from bro-in-law and isn;t anything special, but it'll be more than adequate in a pinch.
Most stainless blades have an amount of chromium in them and many (no, most) also contain molyB. My guess is that the steel is nothing spectacular so the mfr embosses some "cool sounding" alloys like those to impress. For $12, who's to say it won;t work just fine as long as it's sharp?
I don;t know how much my bro paid for this knife (probably about $12 to $15, I'm guessing), but it'd be worth about $40 to me
IF I were in the market for its size, design, and edge grind. It's great for the BOB though.....
ON EDIT: Oh, by the way, the blade embossing says "Stainless Japan". Another example of "
now this steel ain't no big deal (in fact, we're kindly embarrassed to say what it is), but don;t some stainless from Japan sound intriguing and moderately 'far out'?"