I can add a couple of things since I do have an SOL kit here now.

The emergency blanket is the Heatsheets 2 person version that has the instructions written on it. There are no other instructions so the blanket is it.

The whistle is a rescue howler but it is a Slim version. Works great, but it is different than the stock picture with the normal Rescue Howler shown in the bag.

There are 7 matches included, not 8. Not a big deal, but most places I've seen state there are 8 matches.

Fishing Kit comes with 4 safety pins, 1 needle, 4 hooks, 1 swivel, 2 sinkers, and fishing line. I haven't unraveled it to see exactly how long it is, but it looks like there's enough to get a line or two in the water.

The mini signal mirror is mini. About 1 1/2" x 2" compared to 2" x 3" for the normal sized version. The packaging specifies that it is visible over ten miles where the normal sized Rescue Flash Signal Mirror is 20 miles. I came here specifically to see if anyone had any thoughts on this much smaller signal mirror (apparently no one has one yet though). Any concerns or thoughts on a smaller sized signal mirror? Would you switch it out for the larger model?