the hybrids have established a longer term track record, ten to fifteen years, i might change my mind.

The Prius was released for public sale in Japan in 1997 & the US in 2000 (they test them & work the bugs out first over there).

The SUV's are ok, but they will not haul what my truck will in the back.

Most definitely. That's why I hated giving up the pickup for it. 200 mile round trip commute for school two days a week & 12yr old w/ 120k didn't go well together. That & the $70 fill up.

The Camery may be quick by the numbers, but it is not a sports car. It's not rear wheel drive, weight distribution is not good (doesn't handle well),

Its not intended to be. Its a four door sedan not a Mustang. The ride is the same at 80+ as it is at 55. Weight distribution is 58/42 front/rear IIRC. I haven't had to push the handling yet.