At least 3 of them were arson - Santiago, Fallbrook/De Luz and Rice Canyon. But at least 3 were downed power lines, one was a construction crew welding (on a day with 80 mph sustained winds), one was a car fire, and others we may never know.

Terrorism's been talked about out here in the past, and it would be a very effective threat, but bad luck, idiocy and lunacy account for more damage than any terrorist could think of.

If it makes you feel any better they arrested one arson suspect who had just started another fire. Citizens saw him, called the police, then put the fire out with shovels. Then the police shot and killed another one who tried to get away by ramming police cars with his truck. Not a good tactic on the average day, really bad when everyone's so edgy. Arson is responsible for a large percentage of our wildfires every year. Arsonists better hope they don't get caught. People around here aren't feeling real tolerant at the moment.

Kevin B.