I think if everybody did a individual threat assessment there would be some variations in them. Here in Louisiana the threat from hurricanes would vary depending on how far inland one is and what your flood zone looks like.

Personal health issues are a very valid threat to be assessed and addressed, and you are wise to focus on that and plan around it.

I chuckled at Homeland Security after 911 when they made a big push for everyone to have a "box" of supplies.

All over the US a lot of folks do that:
Hawaii, Gulf and East Coasts = we call it hurricane season.
Midwest = tornado shelters and blizzards.
North = blizzards.
West Coasts= quakes.

If you have one covered you've pretty much got all of it covered for the most part.

Getting people to build on what they already know is best.

Sorry to hear you're ill and hope you get to feeling better.

samhain autumnwood