I dunno, maybe I ought to blame the zombie pirates for the declining whale population after the "no whale hunting" treaty was enacted. Aren't Norwegian pirates called Vikings, or was that Pittsburgh? I get confused on those team names sometimes.

As I ponder what the ecological burden might be should a preponderance of behemoths deplete the oceans' biological resources, I am wondering what is it exactly that the big behemoths contribute so urgently to our ecological structure that eliminating the bigger species should be of such grave concern. Then again, these are semi-sentient creatures, and who knows, maybe someday some big concrete cylinder will come hurling through space casting it's interrogative melody toward our globe, wreaking havoc with our weather system, and throwing us back to the stone age, all because there was no one here to answer it's mournful tune??? Naw, that could only happen in the movies...Dammit Jim, where's that pointy eared demon when you need him?
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)