I hope I'm not stepping on toes here... but if your "Altoid Kit" can't provide for you in an emergency, then you need to change what you put in the kit!

If you think about the "Rules of 3" You can (with a minimal amount of knowledge and training (which I assume most here have or are gaining) get along with only a few items. These are the things that your kit should provide for you.

#1 - A Good folding knife
#2 - A small photon light
#3 - A Incendiary device (best would be a spark thrower like a Couglan or Doan's Magnesium/Ferro Rod.
#4 - Something to carry water in (A condom or smallish trash bag) I personally carry a quart breast milk bag which rolls up very small and is far stronger than either of the other options mentioned.
#5 - Some kind of "cordage" for quick fixes.
#6 - A few fish hooks and 40 foot of heavy line. It weighs nothing and doesn't take up any space. It certainly can be beneficial.
#7 - A few good antibiotic band-aids.

That's all you HAVE to have to survive. With these items you can do most anything necessary. Anything else is redundant, which is ok if you have the room, but definitely not necessary. For example, you don't need a razor blade if you have a good sharp knife. Needles probably won't be needed in a true "survival situation" but if they were, they could be replaced by a straightened fishhook. You wouldn't really need snare wire, since in all likelihood you aren;t going to be lost long enough to starve (and you can catch fish with the hooks in the kit). Most people can figure out how to stay dry in a downpour, but if it makes you feel more comfortable carry 1 or 2 large Garbage bags (I personally do). You probably won't need a compass in a true "survival situation" since you probably won't have a map of the area and basic directions are all that you will need. I could go on, but I think you get the drift.

Again, with the items listed above, you can meet all your emergency needs (Shelter, Water, & Fire). And in my opinion that is the purpose of a micro kit. Many people put things in their kits because others do. But remember, kits are highly personal. Only put in it what YOU need, and what YOU know how to utilize. And as the old adage says, don't include it if it doesn't fulfil at least 2 or 3 purposes.

- Soarn