Ah, thanks for providing the link. That was lazy of me not to do it myself.

You description of the construction is flawless. But then the tools and processes the Randall was designed to be built with are somewhere around forty years old. I doubt a single piece, tube handled knife could have been made with a high quality forged blade at the time. Machining and metallurgy have come a long way.

I have my dad's Randall model 18 from about thirty years ago, when he went to the Arctic. He could afford the best equipment, and he bought what he judged to be the best knife for the job at the time. Thirty years later, in his shoes after looking at all the options availible, I might buy different gear. Maybe.

Right now, I mostly carry Swedish blades I've put handles on myself. Perfect for EDC.
A gentleman should always be able to break his fast in the manner of a gentleman where so ever he may find himself.--Good Omens