Originally Posted By: Stretch
Originally Posted By: bsmith
Originally Posted By: Stretch
If there were no humans on Earth, there would be no stupid animals writing senseless articles like that. It's a PETA pipe dream, however "logical" it may sound to the gullible few. Who is paying people to write "dreams"? (Probably the same people spending tax money for artists who aren't qualified and skilled enough to sell their "art" [like scrap metal welded together with no theme or end vision] on the free market. Us!)



They are trying to help us.


No, it's not sponsored or written by PETA, but it remains a PETA pipe dream, I think.

No, they're not trying to help us with this article, no more than they'd be trying to help us if they hypothesized Earth without PETA.

- Thank you for agreeing that PETA does not sponsor nor did not write the article.

PETA website: PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds and other "pests," and the abuse of backyard dogs.

Granted their sometime terrorist style affronts common decency. But so did the American Revolutionaries. Point is, sometimes people have felt it necessary to do the outlandish to capture attention.

I am not a member of PETA. I don't know what they stand for. Their website statement, I can agree with..

- If people did not think about what could or could not be - we would never have walked upright, nor walked on the moon. That's what the article is about - imagining what earth would be like w/o us - and then perhaps thinking how we can change our daily living to ensure that we don't cause our own extinction w/toxic waste, pollution, nuclear waste, and all of the man-made 'things' we've created that could kill us all.

I try to remember that although we are currently on the top of the food chain, it wouldn't take much to change that. For most people that would be to go in the woods after dark.

I applaud the scientists - and i hope they keep thinking.

“Everyone should have a horse. It is a great way to store meat without refrigeration. Just don’t ever get on one.”
- ponder's dad