My EDC stuff is almost overboard.
Inspired by Doug Ritter I have a small personal pocket survival kit which I never leave home without:
- GSI 420 waterproof case
- 18" Duct tape wrapped around the case
- 24" paracord wrapped around the tape
- 6 assorted band aids
- 6 assorted safety pins
- 20' of brass snare wire
- Modified firesteel
- 4 Spark-lite tinders
- Utility knife blade (wrapped in heavy paper)
- Small spool of black thread
- 3 needles and 3 strait pins wrapped with some thread
- 2 Immodium
- 2 Reactine antihistamine
- 2 Tylenol Ultra
- 2 Gravol
- $20 bill
- 6 assorted fish hooks
- 6 assorted split weights
- 50' fishing line
- 4 Aquatabs (each good to lean 1L of water)
Plus the stuff in my pockets:
- Ronson Jet Lighter
- SPF 30 lip balm
- Kershaw Cyclone
- Gerber EAB pocket folder
- Fox40 whistle
- Suunto mini thermometer/compass (attached to the whistle with a split ring)
- Gerber Infinity Ultra flash light
- Victorinox Cybertool or Gerber Needlenose Multipliers (on belt)
...and that's just the 'must have' stuff. I also often have a home brew gear repair kit (actually I have a ton of kits for different purposes) which also has alcohol and safety pins in it.