My FAK lives in a small nylon pouch with clear sides, like this one :

Since you EDC a knife, I would not carry medic shears around. Way too heavy and bulky.
I would also remove the burn pads, but that's just me. I think that the simplest way to soothe minor burns is to use cool water, i'm not actually saying that your pads are crappy or anything, but that I would rather use the space/weight for something else, such as... some 4x4s. Someone taking a nasty fall off a slippery rock can easily end up with a bloody wound the size of your hand ! (i've seen several).
Like someone said, unpack the moleskin and only carry one "sheet".
The After Cuts & Scrapes is more a comfort item, the benzalkonium towelettes are best for all your wound cleansing/cleaning needs.
In my book, a triangular bandage is an essential item. You should have one in your kit.
Alcohol sanitizer is also a good item to have.
Btw... nice kit, i'd use it in a pinch!
P.S. : In all these years i've been carrying a first-aid kit in the backcountry, do you know which item actually *DID* save a life or prevent something from going really wrong? Benadryl caplets. A lady on dayhike was going into anaphylactic shock after being stung by a wasp. This happened roughly 5 minutes before we were out of the trail. She was complaining of not being well, becoming semi-conscious... I took control of the situation, made her comfortable and gave her three Benadryls. We had to radio the coast guard for help, they sent an ambulance and we met it half-way. To make a long story short, doctors said I may have saved that lady's life by giving her the Benadryls.