I'm not going to disagree with you, but I think the packaging of the MRE is over engineered to the point of insanity. I'll point out a few things I'm not expecting:
-Being run over by an armoured vehicle. The packaging of the MRE was designed so your lunch would survive being under an APC, thus the lack of forks. I'm afraid there are other things in my pack that I'd be more worked up over if they were run over.
-Being decontaminated. The outer bag was there so that the NBC troops could spray down and reissue MREs that had been exposed, and the outer bag would keep everything safe. I'm sorry, but if lunch comes with mustard gas, anthrax, or glows in the dark, I'm not THAT hungry.
-Being salvaged from a botched airdrop. One of the requirements was that the MRE packaging had to be able to survive a fall from some height when the parachute holding the pallet didn't work so well. I'm not expecting resupply by air in the first place.
The list of stuff like that goes on. Basically, it is a list of "he's dead, but his food is still good". I've known people who've packed the same stripped down MRE in their hunting packs since Desert Storm, and those inner bags have held up well. I feel pretty safe- I don't eat anything other than maybe some cheeses (wow, that will be sharp) or alcohol that is old enough to learn to drive.