I fly quite a bit so here are my $0.02 on teh subject.
1. Realisticly evaulate what your expecting. A trans-atlantic flight we are talking about a crash in to the North Atlanic. If you survive the crash itself your in 33*F water, odds of actually hitting land are slim to none.
2. Next you have to think about what would help you survive against what you can actually carry and would be practicle. A survival suit would keep you alive in the water but it isn't very practile to fly in.
3. Security restrictions. Don't even try and sneek something past TSA. The odds of a plane crash are far, far less than you getting busted by TSA.
So what do I carry?
A Camelbak MULE- (empty through security and then I fill it up inside teh terminal) Water is always number 1.
My keys- on which I carry an LED light and a P-38 can opener. In worst case I can always sharpen the edge on teh P-38 to make it a cutting tool.
A jacket and some clothes in teh camelbak.
Some food stuffs in the camelbak.
Small first aid kit- Lets be realistic, this more than likely isn't going to much use for trumatic plane crash type injuries but good for minor ones.
Book of matches picked up inside the airport post secuirity as well.
I don't carry a compass or land nav stuff because I have no intention of leaving teh crash site.
That way I figure I have water, food, means to make fire, minor elimental protection, minor first aid, a light, and means to create a cutting tool or open cans if needed.