
No problem, I understand your point and that of bigreddog, it all depends on the plod you meet. Some actually use some common and exercise good judgement. I hope my appearance is that of an upright citizen who doesn't attract too much attention so "normally" there's no reason to incurr the curiosity of the local constabulary. The incident I stated happened in a Pub, the Officier was off duty (if such can ever be the case...serving officiers on the forum can voice an opinion.) in his local, maybe he'd a bad day or something. But in short I had a lecture..true he did nothing about it, but a lecture I got all the same.

Too bad about your leatherman, I can understand, really. I fly between England and France, both sides have no love for the other, at least when going through airport security, I've seen it all on both sides.

Best experience was in Poland. I'd forgotten my PST in my briefcase. It was found, I confessed, they accepted my comments. I was escorted by guards, to the seat on the plane. I was wished a pleasant flight. The stewardess hand back the PST when I arrived in Paris. End of story. Now if it had been on the outbound you can bet your last pound that it would have been confiscated, afterall the last time they took my sliver gripper because it had a point.

Edited by Stokie (10/05/07 07:44 AM)