Originally Posted By: Stokie

Quoting from experience, some coppers have told me to leave the SAK at home, your right that context helps. But when you EDC a SAK it's just that, it's with you all the time, even if that happens to be near closing time in the RED LION. Hence an off-duty copper saw me with a SAK opening a bottle in a Pub and gave me the " Just a friendly warning - son" speech meaning; next time I see that it's mine and your nicked.

So the SAK and other tools stay in the car outside the pub and any bottles will just have to be opened by the blond barmaid and no one else ; )


Difficult isn't it :-)

I carry very small SAK as EDC on my key ring, and a regular SAK when I'm in jeans. But the law does state specifically that you don't need to justify carrying a folding, sub 3in slipjoint. So I think they would be hard pressed to make any charges stick. Of course, that presumes you can be bothered to go through the process with them, and that they don't go with it as a non-specific 'weapon' (carrying anything specifically as a weapon in illegal)

I'm comfortable carrying a SAK in the UK, the only place I won't is if I know they are doing searches (because it is a hassle - Wembley recently for example). I wouldn't carry the Spyderco very often, because it looks 'tactical' and that might influence coppers differently.

But it is something you need to weigh up for yourself.

Edited by bigreddog (10/04/07 12:23 PM)