Don’t try to take anything through airport security you don’t want to lose. Put it into your checked luggage. Then hope that your luggage arrives.
Regulations are well posted but everything depends on the subjective opinion of the security crew. Many do not know or follow the rules. [I would not want their job!]
The odds are that your checked baggage will arrive.
As MDinana states, the odds of needing survival gear in the event of an airliner crash is slim, both from the crash happening and, if it does, being able to use any of your stuff.
Blasts suggestions for airport survival are great and will probably serve you well,
As a suggestion, I wear cotton long sleeve pants and shirts instead of polyester [plastic] clothing for fire prevention. I pay attention to the F/A safety briefing and study the card on every flight so I instinctively know where the exits are.
If I were very paranoid, I would carry a smoke hood . . . but the odds don’t warrant it.
Bottom line, once you onboard, it’s pretty much out of your hands.