The crew of the 47-ft Joe Cool is missing. There are bullet casings and blood in the bridge. Two men were found in a life raft about 10 miles from the boat. They are being held without bond. Their alibis won't hold water. It isn't known how they got on board, but one good way might be via waving your shirt from a life raft, assuming they would take you on board.

So, how do you tell a couple of innocent people in a life raft from a pair of pirates?

And what do you do with them, whichever they turn out to be?

First, I'd search them. It isn't clear who the 9mm Glock belonged to, but it isn't the survival kit of choice I'd choose if I had to abandon ship. And if I were the crew, I wouldn't leave it lying around for strangers to appropriate.

Here are some choices:
1) Bring them aboard, search them, and tie them up.
2) Bring them aboard and then shoot them, throw them overboard.
3) Don't bring them aboard, leave them in the life raft, tie it to your stern rail and tow them to what currently passes for civilization.
4) Wave goodbye as you pass and yell that you hope they have a decent survival kit and lots of water.

Any other thoughts?

What to the boat people here say?
