Unplug the important stuff, like the computer. Surge protectors won't protect a really nearby lightning strike. A friend of mine in WI just discovered that, as did all her neighbors.
Set the timers to times the stuff would normally be on.
If you're leaving a small booklet with a neighbor with all your photos in it, include a photo of the friend(s) who would be checking your house. Don't confuse the Neighborhood Watch AND the police.
On your last walk-through, be sure to turn off all your wake-up alarms. I had a townhouse neighbor who left before his alarm went off.
"I've always turned my gas back on myself. Hmmm, I wonder what's the best way to ask my insurance company about that..."
Don't EVER ask your insurance company about something like that! They maintain logs of calls in your file. A question like that would probably raise your insurance premiums, and if you were to have a claim for any kind of fire, it WILL be used against you. Yes, it's insane. And YES, they do it.
Anyone in a snow area should have a neighbor drive in and out of your driveway a few times to leave tracks. What does a pristine property tell the local junkies when it hasn't snowed for four days?