Another thing someone once told me is you should run water down all the sinks and bath drains just before you leave. This puts a water block in the drain trap which prevents cockroaches from climbing up through the pipes.
Also, once you get back you should run all your faucets for 5-10 minutes to clean the "old" water out of the pipes. While it's been sitting there its been leaching chemicals from the pipes and also allowing bacteria to grow. Didn't someone (Paramedic Pete or Martin?) post a thread about how the bacteria counts in rarely-used water fountains was really high?
I've always turned my gas back on myself. Hmmm, I wonder what's the best way to ask my insurance company about that...
When my folks travel they turn off the answering machine. Dad figures having one answering the phone for a month is a good way to tip crooks off the house is empty.
I've noticed a lot of new tv's have automatic timer features. Tha's a lot more convienent than mechnical timers.
Definately empty the fridge! Also, do the dishes...

Y'all are giving me some really good thoughts. Please keep them coming! The article is due Oct. 19th. I'll post a copy of it here when it's done.