I have been using Everclear in my stoves and it works great.
I was beginning to think it was not that great an idea to cook using a fuel that had poison mixed in it.
It is hard to find anything purer than Everclear.
I use the stuff to de-grease my face, clean my glasses, disinfect wounds, and fuel my stove.
Totally agree on the Everclear. I used it with my home made stove on my Appalachian trail hike. Great stove fuel that also works to clean cuts and scrapes, freshen up etc...
Plus you can mix it with water and those little flavored Crystal Light packs for a nice adult beverage when you stop for the night... Orange flavored is particularly good...(I read this somewhere.)
IMPORTANT: You must get the Everclear 190 (95% alcohol). The Everclear 151 is only 75.5% alcohol and WILL NOT burn well in your stove. (Though it will in your tummy.) (Or so I've read...)
Only problem is, some states don't sell the 190. Florida does not. Georgia does. Those are the only two I know of for sure. (And shipping it is a big no no.)
I think it's the ultimate backpacking fuel. Multiple uses, can be stored in a light plastic container, the stove weighs only a few ounces, and less than an ounce of fuel will boil a cup of water in under 4 mins. Not as fast as a pressurized fuel stove - but a fraction of the pack weight. (And MSR fuel makes a lousy screw driver...) (Or so I've read.)