I found "when the wind blows" a bit more frightening. Just me I suppose. Do you or anyone else have a link to "the War Game" This one was done in the 50's or 60's set in and around one of the Thames estuary towns.
I found "When the Wind Blows" to be a LOT more SAD.
I found myself becoming mad at how the public information pamphlets disagreed with each other, and gave very strange advice without explanation.
They had a cellar and used a door-lean-to instead!!!
I thought some older Americans were a bit 'slow', but if this is what the British think of their older people, I feel sad for them... And if older British people are really LIKE that, then I think they need to find out what is wrong with their food/water supply!!!!!
Words excape me, on what I think about everything in this movie.
Great movie though...