Interesting article that. How to make a melodrama out of a crisis. Personally I don't think that they were in any real danger.

As others have noted, movement across country at night is a Bad Idea.

I disagree with the idea that the Leader going for help is poor leadership. Period. If you are leading the group and an incident occurs someone may have to go for help. It's your job to decide who, and how many.

In making that decision you have to consider skill levels, level of risk etc. Are you the best person to go for help? Will your absence put the group at risk?

One of the cardinal rules of group leadership is that you do not ask anyone to do anything that you are not prepared to do yourself. And be seen to do it. You also have to retain the respect of the group. Under some circumstances remaining with the group can result in accusations of cowardice. Even when remaining is vital to the groups survival. As in "It was very risky so he sent someone else, the cowardly P.O.S."

If you do send other people you need to be very clear about the reasons why they are being sent. So that every one knows, and understands.

I don't do dumb & helpless.