I have the Springfield M6 Scout. It's a nice little rifle, and if you can find one in a 22LR/410, you'd better get it. It took me 4 months of searching to get mine, seems they were back-ordered everywhere. 22 Hornet rounds are over-rated, slightly harder to find, and surely won't be as plentiful when in a survival situation. The good thing about a 22 caliber rifle is that you can carry hundreds of rounds in a limited amount of space. 410 shells are also an excellent partner to the 22LR, but don't expect them to take that bear, moose, boogeyman, or whatever you may encounter in a self defense situation. Expect to use it strictly for squirrel, rabbits, small game birds, and the like.<br><br>All this being said, I've probably only shot a couple hundred rounds through mine, its decently accurate @ 25-75 yds...and would only grab it in a survival situation if all my other guns had mysteriously disappeared. My first choice would be my AR-15 in .223, but thats a whole different story.
<br><br>If you're the minimalist type, i'd say go for it. It's a nice rifle that will come in handy during those situations where food gathering is of utmost importance, and space is limited. Just be sure you take it to the range every so often to sharpen your skills, those iron sights are tricky. Also, wrap tons of 550 cord around the barrell when you get it. This thing gets HOT, plus you'll need the extra 550 when you're faced with the situation you want the rifle for. Hope this rambling helps.<br><br>John McIntire