Thanks for the great suggestions. My biggest issue is space. Have you seen the Maxpedition M-1 waistpack? It's about 5.5" X 3.5"--really small. Maxpedition calls it a waistpack, but it's really a belt pouch. With all the stuff I listed it is already full. I really have to resist "gear creep"--my tendency to add just one more thing, and then one more thing after that, and then .... As I said, I already have a get-home bag in my office. This Maxpedition set-up is meant to be minimal and low profile. I don't want to upgrade to a bigger bag. Everyone is dead-on right, however, about the water issue. It is the biggest hole in my set-up. I usually carry a bottle in my briefcase/shoulder bag, but I'm often drinking from it as I move around during the day and at any moment it could be only half or one-third full. On the other hand, as a couple of you have pointed out, the advantage of a small bottle or container is that it can be refilled. BTW, I also carry a bandana in my pocket.