
You might have trouble with the fishhooks, scalpel blade, tinder quick and sparklite.

When I flew this summer, I changed some of the items and pack location to look less obvious.

  • Stuck freshnel lens in paperback book. If asked I would have replied that it helps me with the small print.
  • Took extra pair of showlaces, put them in ziplock baggy and added the duct tape. Looked like repair kit.
  • Put the signal mirror in ziplock bag with comb, toothbrush, small tube of toothpaste, cheap bic razor. Looked like a shaving kit.
  • Took DR PSK and added bandaids, motrin, tylenol, alcohol wipe with other FAK type items. Looked like small first aid kit.

The goal is to look ordinary and safe while carrying allowed items to suppliment PSK. It wasn't perfect, but I felt like I covered most contingencies for 2 hour overland flight.

Edit - You also might be able to carry pack of safety matches.

Edited by BrianTexas (09/24/07 02:21 PM)
Also known as BrianEagle. I just remembered my old password!