Originally Posted By: CBTENGR
I just purchased three more PSP's, one for each car and one for training, sorry... teaching the DW. I have tried adding several different items and now this is what I carry in addition to everything already in the kit...

mini Bic lighter
(6) Micropur tabs
(2) Gerber bags

I would not consider adding any additional knives/tools as I already EDC a folding knife and a mini multi tool on a key chain (as well as other things that I will post later as soon as I can get the digital camera to work). I would love to know if anyone else has been able to add extra stuff to this great kit.

Those are pretty good additions and efficient use of space.
You added more fire ability, water purification (Doug recommends adding these) and 2 water carriers. Good job.
I think you are OK without adding a knife since you EDC two knives already.