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#10633 - 11/21/02 12:56 AM My PSK (w/ Picture)
cyko Offline
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Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 38
Loc: Virginia
Okay, here it is, as promised. I was dealing with a budget so I haven't added the Photon 3 yet and I am going to upgrade the saw to a wire one soon. Let me know what ya think! I put one up on eBay to see if anyone would buy one, search "PSK-100" if interested, hehe.<br><br>CONTENTS:<br>1. [1] Waterproof Pelican™ Case (yellow & clear) w/ pressure purge. More info at Pelican.com<br>2. [1] Aluminum container inside Pelican™ case, Morse Code chart inside lid (container bottom can be used as a signal mirror)<br>3. [1] 50’ Flat Roll of Silver Duct Tape<br>4. [1] Stainless Steel Multi-Tool (not Leatherman® Micra™, but exceptional quality)<br>5. [1] 100” Roll of Galvanized Snare Wire (fits in middle of duct tape roll)<br>6. [21] Sheets of white paper in mini-pac container<br>7. [1] 3” Graphite Pencil<br>8. [2] Plastic coated twist ties<br>9. [1] Piece of hard candy (for quick energy boost)<br>10. [2] Small safety pins<br>11. [1] Small sewing needle<br>12. [1] Small Butterfly bandage<br>13. [2] Small Band-aids<br>14. [2] Medium Band-aids<br>15. [1] Betadine® Povidone-Iodine “Snap-N-Swab”<br>16. [2] Isopropyl Alcohol 70% wipes<br>17. [1] Pure Sugar packet<br>18. [2] Salt packets<br>19. [2] Black Pepper packets<br>20. [1] G.I. Can Opener<br>21. [1] 8” roll of aluminum wire<br>22. [3] Small paperclips<br>23. [5] Wind & Waterproof Matches w/ striking surface<br>24. [1] Non-Lubricated Latex Condom (water storage)<br>25. [1] 2ml Glass (borosillicate) bottle w/ cork & cotton filler containing 8 Potable Aqua® water purification tablets<br>-------(use 2 tablets per quart or liter of water, shake and allow 30 minutes before drinking)<br>26. [1] Large Needle (this needle is magnetic, keep away from compass)<br>27. [1] Spool containing ½ black nylon cord & ½ standard cotton thread<br>28. [1] Large rubber band (rolled)<br>29. [2] Small rubber bands (around large rubber band)<br>30. [1] Zippo® flint (inserted in middle of large rubber band roll)<br>31. [1] Button Compass (Made in Japan and accurate – Blue arrow = North)<br>32. [1] 6” Tungsten Saw Blade<br>33. [1] Spool of 8lb. Test monofilament fishing line<br>34. [1] ¼ oz. Lead fishing weight<br>35. [1] Small Treble hook<br>36. [2] Small Bait-holder hooks<br>37. [1] Small Yellow Fishing lure with hook and spoon<br><br><br><br>
I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

#10634 - 11/21/02 04:53 AM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)

Did you buy this kit or did you put it togather yourself.If you bought it please tell me where.<br>Thanks

#10635 - 11/21/02 05:08 AM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)

rules? <br><br>http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1585407835&rd=1<br><br>I actually keep a simliar kit myself....<br><br>What is the shelf life of the iodine?<br><br>

#10636 - 11/21/02 03:23 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)
cyko Offline
new member

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 38
Loc: Virginia
"rules", what do you mean? I don't understand, hehe. Anyhow...<br>I have searched online for the shelf life of the Iodine and found a similar product with a 2 year shelf life, but it was sealed, as mine is not, so I am not completely sure. I would suggest replacing all medications with fresh ones every 6 mos. to a year.
I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

#10637 - 11/21/02 03:29 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)
cyko Offline
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Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 38
Loc: Virginia
I assembled this one myself, I have one up on ebay right now here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1585407835&rd=1 I really like the Pelican(tm) case, they are great. I use one for my digital camera too. You can't beat the toughness and waterproof seal!
I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

#10638 - 11/21/02 04:55 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)
mick Offline
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Registered: 09/27/02
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Did you make it?<br>I saw one of these been sold on ebay.<br>Or did you buyit off ebay?

#10639 - 11/21/02 06:08 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)

Here are a few thoughts....<br><br>Why two containers, plastic pelican case and metal case? Double the weight. The metal case could provide a cooking pot but the outercase adds weight (and protection to the contents). I would suggest getting rid of one.<br><br>Firestarting. I only see 5 matches w/ striking surface. The flint in the tape seems awfully small to be able to hold and strike. I would add some alternate fire starting method like the BSA Hot Spark, or 1/2 an MFS with hack saw blade, or a mini disposable lighter, or a Fresnel Lens, or ... Fire is too important to only have 5 matches.<br><br>Rubber bands and Paper clips. Granted they don't take up much space or weight but how useful are they in a survival situation? Do you have any specific plans for these items? If you plan on using the paper clips as fishhooks, just add more fishhooks. If the rubber bands are going to be tinder, there are better choices which are easier to start.<br><br>You have 100" of Galvanized Snare Wire , 8" of aluminum wire, and 2 Plastic coated twist ties. But I don't see any rope. Again each of the items weighs little and takes up little space but I would prefer to have some mason's twine or 550 paracord instead of 3 kinds and lengths of wire. I would recommend keeping the snare wire and add some rope or twine.<br><br>You have two needles, 1 Small sewing needle and 1 Large Needle (this needle is magnetic, keep away from compass). If you are going to magnetize one, why not both to provide additional backup? Needles could be very easy to lose and having both magnatized would be one more layer of protection.<br><br>Safety pins. You have 2 small. I have carried safety pins in my kits for years. I find that I seldom use the small and tend to need the larger pins. If you are going to use them as make shift fish hooks, include more fish hooks instead of small pins and add a couple of large pins.<br><br>Pepper packets. Useful to add/cover flavor of game caught but not a requirement in a survival situation. If you have space left over, leave it in but that space might be better used for other stuff.<br><br>Signalling. No mention of a whistle. Good idea of using the bottom of the metal tin as a signal mirror but still not sure why you have two containers. There was some discussion on another web site about your kit and the difficulty of sending and recieving morse code without MUCH prior practice. The suggestion was to include a chart of ground to air signals that might be more useful. As long as you know SOS in morse code, it is unlikely you will need the rest.<br><br>[21] Sheets of white paper in mini-pac container. I am a neat freak and like packaging but I am not sure if this is the best use of space and weight. I am guessing the additional container is an effort to keep the paper dry and organized.<br>The paper is already in a watertight Pelican case. Unnecessarily redundant. Good that you included a pencil to write on the paper.<br><br>Bandaids. You included 2 small and two medium. I would prefer several 3/4"x3" and some 2x2 or 4x4 gauze pads. The small bandaids are fine for shaving knicks but not really enough coverage to offer any real value during suvival. Since you have 50' of duct tape, use that to secure the guaze pads. They can be used as tinder as well as offer first aid protection.<br><br>Condom. I still carry one in my kits because I have not switched over to alternatives yet. You might want to review earlier posts in this forum regarding condom usage for water storage. Basically the problems include difficult to fill, difficult to carry, difficult to close, breakdown while in storage (due to heat and friction). Oven roasting bags and some other alternatives got better reviews in this forum.<br><br>Micra look a like. It has a blade, tweezers, and tools. I carry a Micra in my pocket at all times. You need some kind of blade in your kit. Your "micra" is more durable and more verstile than a razor blade. Not a bad choice.<br><br>GI can opener. They are useful for opening cans, but you don't have any cans in your survival kit. They are small and light weight. They also have a hole in them so they can be carried on your keyring to make more room in your kit. Wrap tape around it so it doesn't open while in your pocket and attempt to open your leg.<br><br>Water purification tabs. Great! Your container may be insufficent. Recommend you check out ETS articles about small containers that are airtight and not affected by the iodine leaking.<br><br>Monofilment fishing line. Fishing line is useful for many things. You might think about switching to Spyder brand braided line. Reportedly you can get significantly higher breaking strength in the same size line. There is a cost associated with that. Also "normal" fishing knots do not always hold and you may need to learn some new knots to use the Spyder line. By higher I have heard 50 lb line in the same size as your 8 lb. <br><br>Small hooks will catch big fish but big hooks only catch big fish. Good choice on size. You only have 2, you might think about a few more so you could set up several lines at the same time. How are you going to attach the lead weight(s) to the line? You might think about pre-tieing the hooks and adding the weights before placing in your kit. Easier to use in the field and less likely to lose pieces.<br><br>Sorry to sound so harsh.

#10640 - 11/21/02 08:04 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)
Schwert Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/13/02
Posts: 905
Loc: Seattle, Washington
Nice review Resqman. I agree on all your points. Here is my take on a few of the items in the kit. Overall, I think this kit has a good start, but I would improve or change a few things.<br><br>I agree the two containers are not necessary. I have found the Altoids tin to be too small for my kits. I would use the plastic box only.<br><br>Like Resqman, I would definately improve and diversify the firestarting tools. I would add a BSA HotSpark, AND a small disposable lighter, AND some Tinder Straws with Vaseline/Cotton.<br><br>I would dump the salt, sugar, pepper.<br><br>The Portable Aqua vial sealed with a cork is probably going to result in iodine stained contents and/or inactive tablets. With a vial this size, I would fill it with tablets, or use a full unopened bottle of Potable Aqua. You only have enough for 4L of water. I would add a rolled breast milk bag or oven bag.<br><br>Without the tin inside the box you may be able to get a garbage bag inside for shelter. I would also add Paracord, either wrapped around or as a coiled hank outside the box.<br><br>I would add a real Signal Mirror and a Whistle.<br><br>I would replace the micra clone with a one-layer SAK or larger folder. My kit in a plastic fly box has a Spyderco Centofante Clipit with nearly a 3" blade.<br><br><br><br><br><br>

#10641 - 11/21/02 08:33 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)
cyko Offline
new member

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 38
Loc: Virginia
Wow, you really analyzed my kit, good job. I have already pondered most of what you said before. Let's see if I can reply to some of your constructive criticism!<br><br> Q: Why two containers? <br> A: Because all of the contents do not fit into the small Altoids can and the Pelican case is waterproof. The smaller contents are more organized in the Altoids can and then the whole pack is sealed in the Pelican. Also, this kit is designed only as a "backpack kit", "carry kit", or "vehicle kit". It is not meant to be a "pocket kit". Pelican cases are great!<br><br> Q: Why only five waterproof matches?<br> A: You should only have to start one fire, and KEEP it lit. If it is a more intense situation, like if you are evading enemy military and have to extinguish it frequently, you always have natural ways to create a fire, not to say these are the easiest, but they are possible. Hopefully you don't get stranded in wetlands.<br><br> Q: How are rubberbands and paperclips useful in a survival situation?<br> A: A large rubberband can be used as a small tourniquet for a digit or hand. They can also be used as tinder like you suggested, they can be used as a binding (their original purpose), lastly, they can be melted and the carbon is very dark and can be used for facepaint for being more subdued at night. The paperclips have some use too. You can straighten one out, sharpen one end to a point, and make a dart, hook, gaff, or small game spear. They can be bent and looped to form many small barbs for whatever purpose you may need.<br><br> Q:Why don't you have any rope or cord?<br> A: Nature can easily provide me with that. Many plants and vines are contain very strong fibers in their bark, and if stripped properly can be woven into a very strong cord or even rope. Paracord is good stuff, but is bulky and I didn't have very much space for it. Maybe in a larger kit, it will be included.<br><br> Q:Why magnetize just one needle and not the other?<br> A: The needle was already magnetized, hehe, I just found out when my I packed it and had the needle near the compass and it went bonkers. I moved the needle to the other side of the can (it sticks to the wall of the can) and the compass levelled out). How do you magnetize something yourself anyways? I know it can be done, I just don't know how...<br><br> Q: What are the safety pins for? No, they are not to be fashioned into hooks, they are more for fabric binding purposes, like if you lose a button or something. I suppose they could be used as hooks and that would work, but I have hooks for hooks, smile.<br><br> Q:Why have pepper packets?<br> A: I love pepper on my food, as I am sure other men do too. Besides, they don't take up alot of space at all.<br><br> Q:Why no whistle? <br> A: I can use a blade of grass or a leaf as a whistle. Some people can whistle with their fingers and mouth louder than a ref in the NFL can with his saliva filled aluminum whistle.<br><br> Q:Why include the morse code chart?<br> A:If communication was needed, morse code is good to know. I do not plan to memorize morse code, so I included a chart. I thought it would be useful if needed.<br><br> Q:Why the small band-aids? <br> A: That tin can is packed! I have no room for gauze, gauze is a luxury!! LOL, I wish I could fit a MASH unit in that can, but I can't.<br><br> Q: Why use 8lb test fishing line instead of Spyder line?<br> A: I will have to direct you to my wife for the answering of that question. I do think Spyder line is ideal for any kit.<br> Wife: "He isn't going to spend that much money on fishing line!, NO WAY"<br><br>I hope this explained or answered some of you questions. A PSK is something that is never completed, and is also based & designed to an individuals needs and skills. My PSK is not for everyone, but I am sure everyone should have one. Thanks!<br>
I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

#10642 - 11/21/02 08:35 PM Re: My PSK (w/ Picture)
cyko Offline
new member

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 38
Loc: Virginia
I did make this kit, and the one you saw on eBay is probably one of mine.
I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

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