Repost from Vito's Fossella email:

Federal Disaster Relief Available for Brooklynites affected by the Tornado

I have great news to report to residents of Bay Ridge: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has declared Brooklyn eligible for Federal Disaster Relief in the wake of last month’s tornado.

This is important for Brooklyn homeowners, renters and businesses affected by the tornado, who can now apply for financial help from the federal government. Residents and small business owners who qualify for aid will have assistance paying for repairs to their homes and businesses and to replace damaged property.

When my office toured Brooklyn last month with FEMA officials, we were able to demonstrate that the damage throughout our community was widespread and significant. My office remained in near daily contact with FEMA officials during the process, and when three weeks passed without a decision, I sent the message that residents deserved an answer. I followed that up by speaking with the Deputy Director of FEMA and requested that a more comprehensive analysis of the damage be conducted. And just a few days later, FEMA called to deliver the good news – Brooklyn residents would be eligible for federal assistance.

If you suffered damage due to the storm, you must register with FEMA for assistance and establish eligibility. FEMA will verify eligibility and need before assistance is offered. Residents can file an application with FEMA by:

• Calling 1-800-621-FEMA (or TTY 1-800-462-7585 for the hearing or speech impaired) daily between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
• Logging onto

If your business suffered damage, you can apply for federally-subsidized loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA) to repair or replace homes, personal property or businesses that sustained damages not covered by insurance. Business owners who suffered storm damage may register with FEMA, contact SBA at 1-800-659-2955 or download the loan application from their website:

Residents can also contact my office at (718) 630-5277 with questions or if they need assistance with the application. You can also log onto my website.
