Hmm, doesn't seem too realistic to me. Then again, I take my marriage more seriously than the mainstream seems to. There's no way I would leave my wife at the door. Whatever we face in life, we face it together.
If this sort of action seems like a real dilemma to some people, then I'd say it is a fair indictment of what is wrong with our society in terms of how families are portrayed. For me, it is a no-brainer decision. I would be more than happy to give up any longevity in order to spend what time I do have with the one I love more than any other. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be?
There comes a point where survival loses it's value. This is a good example of where that line is. I suppose if kids were involved then there might be some consideration of risk and sacrifice, but I believe if that were the case in our household, my wife would be aware of that and just as unwilling to risk their welfare as I would.
Our marriage is based on the premise that nothing in this world comes between us. If it were me on the outside of the plastic, and I knew I was doomed, I would still go home, but I would not insist on being let in the house, and if things got really bad, I would want to leave so as to save her some of the pain of my suffering, unless she'd be willing to go through that with me to the end. I expect she would do the same if it were her on the outside, but if she felt she needed me bad enough to warrant my exposure, I wouldn't hesitate. That door would be wide open the moment she says she needs me. Heck, I might just open it anyways soon as I see her coming. One thing being in Baghdad taught me; a moment with her is worth far more than a lifetime of solitude.
We've been together 19 years. It is a good start...
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)