There are numerous different products that fit different requirements. Check out the product catalog: It has conversion times and such.
The LifePack is designed and priced for people that wish to store them at home for disaster preparedness (hurricanes and earthquakes).
The SeaPack was developed for use in an abandonship bag or life raft canister. 9" x 13" x 2"
The X-Pack is the first product design and is used for disaster relief.
The Expedition is designed to produce drink while on the move. Try that with a hand held RO pump.
The HydroWell is made for supporting large groups of people, but it weighs enough that you would need a vehicle to transport it.
None of these products require electricity or pumping. They work by themselves while you are away taking care of something else or sleeping.
X-Packs - 1 filter with 10- 2 oz syrup charges
Individual Weight- 2.75 pounds
X-Pack Resupply - 10- 2 oz syrup charges
Individual Weight- 2.75 pounds
LifePacks - 1 filter with 6-2 oz syrup charges
Individual Weight- 2.0 pounds
SeaPacks - 1 filter with 5-4 oz syrup charges
Individual Weight- 3.0 pounds
Expeditions - 1 filter in bladder with 10-120 mil syrup charges and cleaning kit
Individual Weight- 7 pounds
Expedition with backpack - 1 filter in bladder in a backpack with 10-120 mil syrup charges and cleaning kit
Individual Weight- 9 pounds
Expedition Resupply kit - 10-120 mil syrup charges and cleaning kit
Individual Weight- 5.5 pounds
Expedition Filter kit - 10-120 mil syrup charges and cleaning kit
Individual Weight- 6.25 pounds
Hydrowell Watercan 0- 1 Filter with 20-410 mil syrup charges and a syrup feed tray and 1 accessory kit.
Individual Weight- 37 pounds
Hydrowell Watercan 1-1 Filter in can with 20-410 mil syrup charges and a syrup feed tray and 1 accessory kit.
Individual Weight- 41 pounds
Hydrowell Watercan 2- 1 Filter in can with a clean water collection can and 20-410 mil syrup charges and a syrup feed tray and 1 accessory kit.
Individual Weight- 48 pounds
Hydrowell Watercan Resupply kit - 20-410 mil syrup charges and 1 accessory kit.
Individual Weight- 31 pounds
Hydrowell Watercan Filter kit - 1 Watercan Filter
Individual Weight- 3.25 pounds