If you're thinking about the ration packs...Datrex, SOS,...I don't remember all the names right now, buy one to try them and choose the one that meets your storage needs as well as taste. The SOS ones that I'm thinking about actually create saliva in your mouth so you can consume them with little or no water. I think they keep for five years or so. They are very high in fat, but in a survival situation, that's a good thing for long term sustenance. Protein is also a good thing because it makes you feel full which of course can be quite a psychological boost. That and it's good for that life function stuff. Survival situations are NOT the times to be worried about too much fat or whatnot.

For me, I'm a big guy and I'm overweight. I've been told by a nutritionist that I need approximately 2600 calories a day just for normal life function. With the SOS rations, they sell them in different amounts...1200, 2400, 3600 calories, so if you have an idea what your body needs daily, you can plan the amount you carry.

If it were me, I'd keep the blanket as well as add a couple of space blankets and a bivy. Adventure Medical Kits makes a great space blanket and emergency bivy (Heat Sheets is the name for both the blankets and the bivy) Affordable and compact. I have not field tested them personally, but others here have and the results have been pretty good.

Good luck!
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)